星期六, 11月 22, 2008


回顧四年的學習,year 1 才是我創作的燦爛時代。那時作出了很多自己滿意的作品。
may be i need " back to the basic , down to earth"



(這是year 1 一個自己也頗滿意的作品 - Grade A)

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

I have the same feeling as u
and the animation is great !

forget about all the rules
do what u want!!

匿名 說...

i am very happy to see ur animation again!!! i am pround to have a bro like u

匿名 說...

I really hate the 「匿名」.
The animation is fairly done well,
it's a fully creative making.
Although now the time you're losing your way,i belive that you have your ability and one day you will find your creativity back.
Be confident!

匿名 說...

haha!咁o岩有位好友提番起條片。心血來潮想睇番。條片好難先起番出黎。我之前電腦壞左。o麥7都冇o西。我搵個o西電腦,harddisk ,backup disc, ftp 都冇。諗左好耐,我先記起我係05年時用yahoo mail send 過俾人。係唯一一次(我冇send 過俾其他人的)。博一博,睇番mail record , 估佢唔到仲係度。如果唔係渣都冇。偉大的yahoo mail ar...

by the way , thank of yours encourage. i will never give up as it is a more important part in my life. I am waiting for a good work(hope)!haha

More, please name it if leave msg.
I love all of yours name. I want to special thanks to you all.