wht the fuck?i did't like noone awareness of me , look down me.
wht the fuck?i didn't like i am a weakness , i am a loser.
wht the fuck?i cannot change myself, i cannot show it to the others
wht the fuck?i hate myself.
i don't know how long i can support myself
在我的生命裹,這幾個年頭,我真係努力了我試了很多,我改變了很多,誰明白,誰察覺,有嗎?我諗o麥,我的處境,我想怎樣,我係一個點樣的人, 大家知嗎?冇人有資格答我這個問題.看輕我的人從沒有減少,為何?多謝你,今天我想得清楚了自己的問題,你給了我很大支持。
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